Wednesday, December 9, 2009

There are gifts and then, there are GIFTS!

I happen to be married to one of the finest gift givers on the planet. It's an art form. She gives very, very thoughtfully - gifts that touch the individual by virtue of how well she has listened to her/him. She finds The Gift to fit the individual.

While marketing our programs, services or products from our home-based businesses, we have a better chance to give GIFTS, instead of gifts. Let's commit to enhancing our listening and observing skills. Your business is NOT for everyone, so let's give those folks the Gift of Understanding. We can speak 'from the heart' with an "I understand. Thanks for considering it." Let's not 'make them wrong' for choosing not to join us - not even in your head, okay? Be generous of spirit. Can do?

Now, how about those who are interested in our business, but not yet committed? The Gift of Listening Well, seems especially appropriate. What is her Strength? What is his Need? What is her/his "Why?" The Gift of Listening Well means you speak to the emotion 'under' or 'behind' what their words to you. It's like the old AT&T slogan, "Reach Out and Touch Someone." It's a great Gift. You've received it, haven't you?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Leading vs. Managing

Here's hoping your Thanksgiving was memorable in a positive way. If not, there really is truth in the adage, "This too shall pass."

Intuitively, we all recognize that leadership and management are not the same, but in a network marketing business where you work from home and your organization is doing the same, leading is really all there is. Managing is what you do by yourself as in how well you manage your time, your finances and your own health to name a few. Leading is to me all about vision and will you entertain this: cheerleading?

I love how wonderfully Ken Blanchard refers to himself as the Chief Spiritual Officer of his companies. Having met Ken twice, I feel he personifies being a cheerleader, but if you haven't met Ken, then here's what a cheerleader does to inspire others. S/he recognizes individuals. The bottom line of leadership is having a vision of where your organization is going and then, recognizing each individual's contribution to getting there. Human beings repeat what is recognized, celebrated, praised, admired and yes, loved. Let's find someone to cheer on as soon as possible after you've left off reading, okay? To cheer is to love and we all want and need that more than we admit. Give freely of your recognition, your love, your cheering. Yay for you!!